Welcome to documentation of the CF-Puppeteer cf plugin. The plugin was active maintained and fixed some issues from older versions of zero-downtime plugin. So see all upcoming features or changes read the Changelog on github.



$ cf install-plugin -r CF-Community "cf-puppeteer"


$ cf install-plugin path/to/downloaded/binary


$ cf zero-downtime-push [<App-Name>] -f <Manifest.yml> [options]


The options you can use depends on v3 or legacy push

V3 Push (without –legacy-push)

-f                              path to application manifest
-p                              path to application files
-s                              name of the stack to use
-t                              push timeout (in secounds)
--env                           add environment key value pairs dynamic; can specity multiple times
--venerable-action              option to delete or stop vendor application - default is delete,
--health-check-type             type of health check to perform,
--health-check-http-endpoint    endpoint for the 'http' health check type,
--invocation-timeout            timeout (in seconds) that controls individual health check invocations,
--process                       application process to update,
--show-crash-log                show recent logs when applications crashes while the deployment
--no-route                      deploy new application without adding routes
--route-only                    add routes from manifest to application only
--no-start                      don't start application after deployment
--docker-image                  docker image url                                                           (⭐️New since 1.1.2)
--docker-username               docker repository username; used with password from env CF_DOCKER_PASSWORD (⭐️New since 1.1.2)
--vars-file                     path to a variable substitution file for manifest                          (⭐️New since 1.2.0)

Legacy-push (–legacy-push arg)

-f                              path to application manifest
-p                              path to application files
-s                              name of the stack to use
-t                              push timeout (in secounds)
--env                            add environment key value pairs dynamic; can specity multiple times
--legacy-push                   use legacy push instead of new v3 api
--show-crash-log                show recent logs when applications crashes while the deployment
--no-start                      don't start application after deployment
--no-route                      deploy new application without adding routes        (⭐️New since 1.1.2)
--route-only                    add routes from manifest to application only        (⭐️New since 1.1.2)
--vars-file                     path to a variable substitution file for manifest   (⭐️New since 1.2.0)


$ cf zero-downtime-push -f manifest.yml --env DB_PORT=3306 --env DB_VENDOR=MYSQL -t 120 --show-crash-log

Legacy push Example

$ cf zero-downtime-push -f manifest.yml --legacy-push --env DB_PORT=3306 --env DB_VENDOR=MYSQL -t 120 --show-crash-log


To show more informations while running the plugin you have to set the environment variable CF_PUPPETEER_TRACE to true


If you’re using a UNIX System you can also combine it with CF_TRACE

CF_TRACE=/dev/stdout cf zero-downtime-push ...


You can find all released versions on Github

Overview versions

Latest version: 1.2.1


All changes and features of the upcoming release are complete documented at the Changelog.



The source code an be found on: Github


If there are any issue or bug pleas open an a Issue on Github


If you like the plugin, don’t forget to give it a ★ star on github


Special thanks to all contributors

Recent News

Version 1.2.1

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Version 1.2.0

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Version 1.1.3

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Version 1.1.2

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Version 1.1.1

Version 1.1.0

Version 1.0.0

Version 1.0.0-rc.0

All News